Placeholder Trick-or-Treat With These Halloween Kid Costume Ideas | Kutame

Trick-or-Treat With These Halloween Kid Costume Ideas

Trick-or-Treat With These Halloween Kid Costume Ideas

Halloween is just around the corner and the little ones are excited. Who can blame them? For any child, Halloween means treats, and an abundance of them. For parents, it’s time to find the perfect costume for their little one that is both fun and comfortable, and hopefully low cost. The great thing about Kigurumi onesie pajamas is that not only are they fun, comfy and come in a variety of styles, they are also made with high quality materials, enabling them to last quite a long time.

If you’re in search for Halloween kid costume ideas, look no further – Kutame has a few kid costume ideas to spare! 

Japanese Monkey

Is your little one a fan of monkeys? Baby monkeys are adorable and quirky, and your child can be one for the day in the Japanese Monkey Kigurumi. Whether it’s the perfect excuse for them to be jumping around (a lot more than usual) or you just can’t get enough of that charming monkey smile and ears, this silly monkey Kigurumi will keep your kid entertained and comfortable during treat-or-treating. It even has an adorable tail!


Your child might be more into spooky things. That’s fair – Halloween is the time for a great scare! The Skeleton Kigurumi delivers just that: a creepy vibe in monochromatic flair. Once the suit is on, any child will be ready to shake those funny bones and stroll out for trick-or-treating in style. Skeleton face paint is a plus with this onesie, however it already features the most charming Skeleton face on its hood. Take that, Jack Skellington! 

Pink and Blue Unicorn

Perhaps the most popular onesie (and with good reason!) the Unicorn is guaranteed to bring a bit of magic in everyone’s lives. The same can be said about the kid unicorn costume, and Kutame carries two kids’ styles: in Blue and in Pink. Let your little one spread magical joy into everyone’s night as they trick-or-treat dressed as the world’s favorite mythical creature. Fairy dust not included. For an extra touch: add a bit of glittery makeup to make the Unicorn Kigurumi even more dazzling!

Check out our kids’ styles here!

Kigurumi Sizing
Our Kigurumi will fit most people...

Kigurumi are made to be loose fitting and will fit adults who are at least five feet tall. However, if you're taller than 6", the wrist and ankle cuffs might not make it all the way to your wrists and ankles. Extra Tall Kigurumi are designed to fit people over 6".

Remember - Kigurumi are usually baggy at the chest and waist. If you're concerned with fitting into one of our Kigurumi, the limiting factor is usually your shoulder width.

Kigurumi Measurements
(Extra Tall sizing not available on all styles)
Adult Onesie Sizing
(in inches)
Regular Size
(Fits 5' and Taller)
Extra Tall Size
(Fits 6' and Taller)
Sleeve Length 23" 24"
Shoulder Width 22" 23"
Waist Circumference 57" 60"
Bust 50" 52"
Height (shoulder to ankle) 54"-59" 58"-63"

Adult Onesie Sizing
(in centimeters)
Regular Size
(Fits 152cm and Taller)
Extra Tall Size
(Fits 182cm and Taller)
Sleeve Length 59cm 62cm
Shoulder Width 57cm 60cm
Waist Circumference 145cm 154cm
Bust 128cm 134cm
Height (shoulder to ankle) 137-150cm 147-160cm
Measurements in Centimeters
Adult Kigurumi Sizing
Regular One Size
Extra Tall Size
Sleeve Length 59 62
Shoulder Width 57 60
Waist Circumference 145 154
Bust 128 134
Height 132 143